Dirty Heads and Maroon 5 teamed up to create the co-written song, “Visions” which appeared on Maroon 5’s 2017 album, Red Pill Blues. The Dirty Heads delivered their Official Music Video for the hit on August 16th.
The song’s account of missing a loved one and imagining he or she is around is a sensation anyone can relate to. Check out Maroon 5’s lyric video as well if you can’t get enough of “Visions”.
Dirty Heads are currently on a United States Tour through December. Visit their website to catch a show when they’re near you!
The Dirty Heads prefer to play with Ernie Ball Power Slinkys, Everlast Light Coated Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings, and Everlast Light Coated 80/20 Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings.
Maroon 5 guitarist, James Valentine, plays with Regular Slinkys, Power Slinkys, and has his own signature Valentine guitar collection with Ernie Ball Music Man.