We have quite a few loyal followers on our Instagram account, and we’re consistently impressed with how many of them are able to showcase their love for Ernie Ball strings and accessories. We’ve compiled a list of the top ten Instagram fan photos from 2016, in no particular order:
#1: @skylines_explode

“I play with 11’s. What do you play with?”
This shot just screams Southern California surf rock, from the lush green lawn to the surf green Jaguar, and of course the pile of Power Slinky strings.
#2: @paulkonovalov

“Хорошие струны для строя ре – советую”
This shot, shared by an Instagram user in Russia, is accompanied by a caption that translates roughly to “I repeat, these are good strings for your setup.”
#3: @tancredjess

“stringin’ up w @ernieball before our shows this week with Third Eye Blind, who gon come straight rock? : 9/1 Providence, RI 9/2 Portland, ME”
Guitarist Jess Abbott of the band Tancred strung her Stratocaster up with Regular Slinky strings before a run of shows with Third Eye Blind.
#4: @hansblooey

“Newport Music Hall. #iplayslinky #ichangeslinky #revrad”
Hans Blooey, guitar tech for Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day, shared this awesome photo of Billie Joe’s iconic Dookie-era Stratocaster known as “Blue” being set up for a gig with Regular Slinky strings.
#5: @parisvisone

“Ian Grushka for @ernieball #parisvisonephotography #ernieball #newfoundglory #nervous #lp9”
Paris Visone, pro photographer on the road with New Found Glory, captured this shot of their bassist Ian Grushka and his Regular Slinky Bass strings while in the studio recording their upcoming album.
#6: @doubledeebs
“Super quick string changes now thanks to my new Ernie Ball Powerpeg Pro. It’s a handy little usb rechargeable drill. So sick. #ernieball #powerpegpro #iplayslinky @ernieball”
This short video perfectly captures how much faster the process of changing your strings is when using an Ernie Ball PowerPeg string winder. Even this 7-string with locking tremolo is no match for the PowerPeg!
#7: @phili_wernerson

“#string #change #guitar #ernieball #guitarist #geartalk #guitarsdaily #lespaulworld #phili_wernerson #photography #instagram #music”
This is definitely the kind of dogpile we can get on board with.
#8: @stantriple6
Chris Aiken, bassist for punk legends Strung Out, loves his Regular Slinky Bass strings so much that he straight up showers in them.
#9: @rawkbox

“Lotta restringing happening on this #teletuesday! Brought to life a bunch of #partscasters with #ernieball #superslinky #rawkbox #rwkbx”
Rawkbox, an organization that repurposes and provides guitars and guitar gear for music-focused nonprofits, has excellent taste in guitar strings.
#10: @black35guitars

“Oh yes, it’s about to go down. 👊🏻☠️👊🏻”
Black 35 Guitars strings up all of their custom relic-ed instruments with the best strings around.
Think you’ve got an Ernie Ball-related photo that we should highlight? Post it to Instagram with the hashtag #iplayslinky, make sure to tag @ernieball, and we’ll pick some of the best ones to feature on our page!